Choose to Go
Fall Conference
Finding Inspiration in Every Turn
October 28th - 31st
Registration Open!


What is the Choose to Go Conference?
The Choose to Go Conference is an ideal 1-week fall conference & Biblical retreat taking place from Monday Oct 28th through Thursday October 31st which provides a Spiritually-engaging opportunity for local, national, and international leaders, learners, ministry teams and students of the Bible alike to encounter Jesus through passionate teaching and engaging worship – all while enjoying a fun- and sun-filled week in Melbourne Florida, USA.
Who does the Choose to Go Conference serve?
This conference is open to anyone who feels led to join together with other Bible believers near or far who walk out their daily journeys serving Jesus Christ. Whether you are seeking Biblical enrichment, exploring a call to ministry, or you have been empowered as an organizational leader or worker, all are welcomed to attend. Eph 5:15-17 “See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, 16 redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.”
Why attend the Choose to Go Conference?
Attendees will spend time hearing from dynamic and proven leaders and teachers of the Bible as they engage the word of God, share discussions, participate in times of prayer, worship and fellowship together. As attendees, all will tap into their individual relationships to God and each other as the global body of believers – as each attendee gains both knowledge and encouragement in being gathered together with other like-minded Christians across national/cultural borders! We will also have several international guests joining us for the conference, with many traveling to the Space Coast all the way from Africa!
Did you know that the AEA Fall Conference will also be held in Melbourne, FL on Saturday November 2nd?
Please join the American Evangelistic Association (AEA) for its Fall Conference weekend of events hosted by The Community Gospel Truth Church (795 S. Wickham Rd, W. Melbourne, FL 32904). The conference takes place from 9:00 am-3:00 pm, with doors opening at 8:30 am. There is no charge to this day’s event and lunch is provided. The AEA Fall Regional Conference will unite/feature dynamic speakers from across the nation and globe affiliated with the American Evangelistic Association (AEA).
Unable to attend in person?
Join us online, as we will stream each day of the Choose to Go Conference! Online viewing details:
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 872 4883 8536
Passcode: choosetogo
Check out our guest speakers!